What hurts your blog the most, here are my three cents!!

You are a good writer, ideas keep coming to you, you are passionate about your skill of writing, you genuinely want to grow in this field, and you have taken up blogging as a profession and not just a hobby. … Continue reading What hurts your blog the most, here are my three cents!!

8 Moms you meet at bus stop every day #myfriendAlexa

Getting up before everyone wakes up, make tea or coffee, make tiffin, wake up kids. Pursue them to do brush, take shower, get ready off course make them eat something healthy and filling and do all this with a prompt eye … Continue reading 8 Moms you meet at bus stop every day #myfriendAlexa

Two books for adults and children alike #BlognBookswithUS

Thank you Sindhu Vinod Narayan from https://mybabymybooksandi.wordpress.com for introducing me. Please check out the post share on their Blog. I would like to Introduce Aishwarya Sandeep, who write on her blog  https://www.aishwaryasandeep.com Check out their posts on the blog. Sudha Murthy, … Continue reading Two books for adults and children alike #BlognBookswithUS